Growth Groups


At MPC, growth groups are important to us. These groups are where our core ministry happens. This is where we connect with each other one to one around God’s word. We connect around the bible, grow together, and find ways to serve and care for each other.

Our groups are important to us because this is how we make sure everyone is cared for. It’s also how we make sure everyone gains a sense of belonging to our church community. These groups are a fantastic way for everyone to keep connected during the week and to pray for each other

Growth Groups run during NSW school terms and take a break over school holidays.

When you connect with us on a Sunday, we can help you get involved with a growth group best suited to you.

Additionally, we use our Facebook Page to keep everyone updated on when growth groups are held, if there will be an occassional fellowship dinner, and when the groups return after the school holidays are over.

If you would like more information, connect with us on Facebook or click here to find more contact information.